Exit tax adoption to protect Indonesia’s tax base

Are we ready?


  • Septian Fachrizal Directorate General of Taxes
  • Iva Unnaiza Hanum Directorate General of Taxes




exit charge, exit tax, change of tax residency, business restructuring


The mobility of individuals, assets, and businesses across international borders is common. This dynamic shift in residency and business structure can lead to significant capital gains, posing tax revenue challenges for nations like Indonesia. The departure of High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI) has brought this issue to the forefront. To address revenue loss due to tax avoidance of that mobility, many countries have adopted exit taxes or exit charges. These measures impose income tax when individuals or businesses change tax residency or transfer assets across borders. This paper conducts a qualitative analysis to explore the adoption of exit taxes in Indonesia, offering policy recommendations to integrate exit taxes into Indonesia's existing tax framework. This paper discusses the idea of exit charge adoption in Indonesia through a qualitative analysis by reference to a comparative study of tax law in various jurisdictions. The study shows that the exit charge adoption is feasible to undertake, considering the existing legal system, Indonesia’s tax regulation, and the simplicity aspect of the taxation system, which Indonesia aims to enhance.


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Author Biographies

Septian Fachrizal, Directorate General of Taxes

Septian Fachrizal is a tax officer with more than a decade of work and experience in the field of taxation. Currently is finishing his master's thesis in Master International and European Tax Law (LL.M) at Maastricht University, the Netherlands, under the full scholarship by the LPDP Scholarship. Previously worked as a Tax Auditor Team Leader and as an Account Representative. As a tax auditor team leader, he was responsible for creating teamwork in conducting tax audits to apply the tax law over both domestic and international tax avoidance cases.

Iva Unnaiza Hanum, Directorate General of Taxes

Iva Unnaiza Hanum is a transfer pricing and international tax analyst in the Directorate General of Taxes. She is in charge of tax disputes prevention and settlement through Mutual Agreement Procedures and Bilateral Advance Pricing Agreement. She is an Australia Award Scholarship Awardee who got her Master of International Tax from the University of Melbourne and Bachelor's Degree of Economics from the University of Indonesia.




How to Cite

Fachrizal, S., & Hanum, I. U. (2024). Exit tax adoption to protect Indonesia’s tax base: Are we ready?. Scientax: Jurnal Kajian Ilmiah Perpajakan Indonesia, 5(2), 116–130. https://doi.org/10.52869/st.v5i2.449